
By Motionless - 26/05/2011 09:55 - United States

Today, I had sex with my girlfriend. This is the seventh time in a row that she hasn't moved or made any noises the entire way through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 094
You deserved it 23 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kg163401 0

Try deflating her and then blowing her back up. :)


crap5874 4

make her do the work next time

ew. why did you keep doing it then. lol it took you 7 times to post an FML?? lol

maybe you didn't do it right? lol I dunno fyl for sure tho.

Well, stop slipping her rohypnol then.

maybe she's just a lazy bitch. or it's worn out.

seandapawn08 0

sounds like you're in need of some practice buddy

newjerseyguy 0

either you suck and don't know how to ****** her right or she is a legitimate dead fish.