
By Motionless - 26/05/2011 09:55 - United States

Today, I had sex with my girlfriend. This is the seventh time in a row that she hasn't moved or made any noises the entire way through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 094
You deserved it 23 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kg163401 0

Try deflating her and then blowing her back up. :)


Maybe she was tired... Or she was sleeping with her eyes open.

some people pay good money for that treatment!

Uh so your girlfriend, she happen to be made of plastic? Fyl. That's just awkward...

Sheilatakeabow 0
Vito38 0

and that's when u move on to the next one bud ! seriously I've been there and maybe you'll get lucky like me and find a girl that makes your head ******* spin

kingtz 6

Probably time to reinflate your "girlfriend" so she bounces sounds more.

I don't think she quite understands how necrophilia works. Next time you try playing dead.

Whine more, your girlfriend/fiance of 5 years could not put out.

blow up dolls are not girlfriends tho they might make vibrating ones to make it seem like its moving