Special day

By buymeadrank - 30/04/2009 15:11 - United States

Today, it's my long-anticipated 21st birthday! Today also happens to be the first day of my period. I've spent the whole morning in the fetal position with agonizing cramps, reduced to tears, and whimpering while the painkiller refuses to kick in. Happy birthday! Love, my uterus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 635
You deserved it 9 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ultravioletbaby 0

Oh honey, I know exactly how you feel. I get them worse than anyone I know. Feel better. =[

Mabel1989 0

Oh goodness, I've had my period (with crippling cramps and nausea) on my birthday pretty much every year since I got my period. It's hell. I know how you feel...it does suck. Oh and #3...I think she means the first day of THIS particular period.


cameo81293 0

Anybody who thinks this is a YDI obviously has no real idea of what the OP is talking about. If you think this isn't an FML consider yourself lucky that you've never experienced this kind of pain, and hope that you never do.

Think of it this way- it's not your birthday, it's your birthday WEEK. Take wayy more painkillers than you're supposed to (I know- they never work the right way, do they?) and by the end of the week, I'm sure you'll have time for a couple of days of straight birthday partying. Or just get your uterus removed.. either/ or, I guess. Happy Birthday!

I hate girls who say "suck it up!" when talking about those extreme, epic, body-crushing cramps. They think because their cramps are mild, and that they aren't reduced to rubble by the mild cramps, then surely EVERY woman must have the same experience. Listen, bitches, I'm here to tell you you're wrong. Unless you've had pain so bad that it sent you into dry heaves, you have no idea how horrible menstrual pain can be. Ever had a broken bone? It's similar to that in intensity. Every month. Only it doesn't respond to pain killers. (at least, mine never did until I started taking prescription level pain killers, instead of 200 or 500 milligrams, I take 900 milligrams. It doesn't always take the pain away entirely, but it makes it possible to move from the fetal position).

Damn that sucks..... Today is my birthday too Happy Birthday

Emika_fml 0

I'm a woman, but I do get sick of other women complaining about period problems. C'mon, girls, we live in an age of modern medicine - go to your doctor and find out what your options are. In high school, I had horrible, incapacitating cramps for six or seven days a month, and I put up with it because I thought it was normal. But it's not, and you don't have to deal with it! I went on Depo-Provera and haven't had a period for years. Unless you're religiously opposed, go on birth control. If you are religiously opposed, then enjoy the suffering god gives you for being a woman.

awwwww, that sucks. I feel ya. But drinking really does take the edge off a little, if you can get to the beer.

I am a woman, and I get cramps that bad, I know exactly what she is going through and I clicked "you deserve it" I don't think she deserves the pain or the cramps, but I do think that the only reason she is even whining about it now, is it's her BIRTHDAY and she can't go DRINKING!!!!!!! Oh boo hoo, cry about not being able to drink! Now if she had actually waited until she was LEGAL to drink then I might have sympathy for her, but as she, like most people drank long before turning LEGAL I have no sympathy about her not getting to go drinking on her 21st birthday! If this wasn't her 21st birthday but any other month or birthday she would be saying "yeah this sucks, but not an fml" get over it!

But seriously how are you typing this? I know every FML starts with "Today" but in the FML itself you also used "today" which means you actually typed it on the day it happened, right?

183, how do you know she didnt wait until her 21st birthday to drink?

Epiphany1882 0

Horrible timing, and I hope there is some way you can make up the milestone bday, but I have to say I love how you phrased your FML. Happy Bday, and many more (without the cramps). :D