By scared-straight - 27/05/2013 04:05 - United States

Today, as I was lying on my bed with one of my arms hanging from the side, I felt something sniff my hand from underneath. I don't have any pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 702
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, what was it!? You can't just leave us hanging!

You either have a ghost of a decease animal or you have a weird burglar.


Be concerned when it starts trying to sniff your crotch.

Just saw a mouse in my place yesterday but think it was making a dash for it cos I devoided it of food recently (cos usually I use the undersink bin). Look out for tiny poop which looks like black rice but smaller.

Time to call pest control. Or an exorcist. Or the Ghost Busters. Whichever comes first.

spiritfang11237 16

so call all of them and pay the first one that makes it there?

Yep, something like that. Or just keep all three around just in case.

I'm having horrible flashbacks to the urban legend with the dead dog hanging in the bathtub and the murderer licking the girls hand when she hangs it off the bed for reassurance.

which, to this day, at age 29, is the reason I won't allow any part of my body to extend over the edge of the bed, and get scared if I have to look under the bed, even in broad daylight.

so thankyou, I didn't ever want to sleep again!

jem970 19

Oh my god! I dont watch scary movies for that reason! I would never be able to function normally again! Basements and attics? Forget 'em. Camping? You couldn't pay me. Old houses? Not even on drugs. I mean id never leave my room!

jlcole1 10

I feel even more justified in refusing to let an arm or leg hang off the bed.

grahmagog 14

It was probably that hamster you abandoned when you were three and its came back for its vengeance

jem970 19

Congratulations you have rodents or midsized outdoor pets coming inside. Careful of ratcoons. They have horrible diseases.

Dude this freaked me out. Excellent horror story in two sentences.

Dude this freaked me out. Excellent horror story in two sentences.