By amiadori - 01/05/2009 09:50 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me. When confronted she told me, "I didn't get wet so it wasn't cheating." FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 632
You deserved it 5 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids nowadays with their different rules of what constitutes cheating... Different area code - not cheating Over the clothes touching - not cheating Kissing with no tongue - not cheating I was drunk and don't remember - not cheating etc... It's so sad but don't worry though. Karma will get her back.

That's a great excuse. "I didn't cum THAT hard so it's not really cheating."


elemenopyqrstuv 0

I hope you dumped her ass, there's no excuse for that shit. She's not worth the trouble.

Wow. I feel for you. That sucks. Though this does give you a nice bit of leverage in case you wanted to ever go get your knob waxed by some hottie. ;-)

mylifeisFML56 0

Why didn't she get wet is the question...

Actual "Cheating"? As in penetration? How could she not have been wet if he got that shit in? And don't say lube, cuz then she wouldn't know if she was wet or not. So Bill Clinton was right? a BJ isn't cheating? If you don't ****** / cum it's not cheating? Noted.

jimmyb00o5 0

Yep, definately not following her logic. DUMP THE SELFISH BITCH.

collegegrad2009 0

Well then, I guess its not cheating then if you sleep with her sister as long as you pull out. FYL. I say Kick that bitch to the curb. Cheating is cheating no matter where they are, unless they cool with it and say you can screw someone else.

thankscupcake 0

Retarded. I've never ever heard of a worse excuse. Dump that bitch.

notmuch 0

Well, I hate cheaters just like the next guy. But in this case, I had to vote YDI. Why? Let's see, shall we? "my girlfriend of 5 years" Who has a 'girlfriend' for 5 fricking years?! Unless you started dating when you were in high school, there is no reason why you shoudn't have locked that down by now. She knows you're dragging your feet and she's on her way out. Can you blame her?

jimmyb00o5 0