By kareed3 - 19/07/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I got a letter in the mail about my periodic health assessment for active duty Soldiers. I came back positive for two curable STD's that are extremely common on Fort Polk. I haven't had sex with anyone but my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 548
You deserved it 4 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Being a military wife I know most of the women that surround me are ******.....

fretforyerlatte 0

guess the cat's out of the bag?


I really want to advise you to punch her in the boob, but I can't support violence against women - perpetrated by men, that is. Have your mother kick her in the vag and then put her on the corner. If she's going to be working the ho stroll, the least she can do is bring some money in. Srsly, OP: that sucks more than Lohan after a blazing coke party in the dirty stall of a cheap club. Kick your wife to the curb where she belongs, and thank you for your service to our country.

skiBOAT 0

FYL. At least they're curable, and you can divorce the cheating bitch right after.

Whatevers_clever 0

Damn! That's so messed up. At least it's curable though! Sucks about your wife, dump herrrr!!!

annamg 0

Wow. FYL, that really sucks. But to all the people saying that military women/wives are such ******: yeah, but they've got to sleep with someone, right? Don't put all the blame on them, when the men are just as loose. Both parties are trashy. I used to date a sailor, and he'd screw anything that moved. He cheated on me with girls in every port.

Not a nice way to find out your wife has been cheating on you and not using protection. I advise you to leave your wife - and if you are going to partake in marital bliss - use a condom. But seriously - she married you knowing you are in the forces and can be away for months at a time. She should have taken the vow to be only for you seriously knowing this. Not using protection - is seriously dumb. My sister (non forces) got found out when she got pregnant and her husband had a vasectomy. Lost that baby then fell pregnant again. I don't agree with what she has done - but surprise surprise she is still with her husband.

NobodyUKnow 0

That sucks. I honestly feel for you. Get the treatment you need to rid yourself of the std's and then I would advise you to leave her. Your command will support you fully. My ex husband is a former Marine and I remember this happening to a couple of other troops in his battalion, the higher ups sided with them and made the wives lives a living hell until they moved out of base housing. NOT ALL military wives cheat but a lot them do. It sucks that that's how they treat that spouse that wakes up everyday protecting this nation.

Dude that sucks. :( At least they're curable. Hope you do the right think with the *****. My dad had something like that happen to him except he was in Japan while his first wife was in Cali and she let him know she was pregnant... Only problem is he'd been overseas for over a year. ...Yeah.

fmyfudginglife 0

Isn't it possible she had them before she met you and this is the first time you've been tested?

No that's not a possibility. We go through extensive physicals just to enlist.

j3nn1987 0

unfortunately, it's all too common in the military. Dump her ass and find someone more supportive! Like perhaps a woman who is also in the service. Not to say she won't cheat, but it's less likley. Nobody wants to be punished under the UCMJ for adeltery ;)

Ugh, divorce that *****. But first, bitch slap her xP