By single once again - 29/12/2012 23:54 - United Kingdom - Romford

Today, I jokingly asked my boyfriend if he was cheating on me. He replied, "Nah, all the chicks in this town are fuck-ugly." and stared at me until I left the room. Good to know that's his only reason for staying faithful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 398
You deserved it 7 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey OP, at least he thinks you're the most beautiful of all those girls in town :)

At least he's loyal and honest; very good qualities in a partner.


How do you even get dumb? The B is nowhere near the P key.

That isn't even a very good reason to dump someone...he's faithful and honest. Isn't that what women want?

Maybe he doesn't have a sarcasm font either. So OP took him at face value. His answer doesn't sound honest or faithful.

Or the other way around. OP doesn't know when people are being sarcastic with her.

perdix 29

That's not a good question to ask in jest. Your poor sense of humor cost you one of the few guys who could tolerate your ****-ugliness.

What a lovely boyfriend you have there.

toalysium 15

"Jokingly asked." So he gave you a smartass reply to a dumbass question. YDI

Jokingly? Let me jokingly press the YDI button.

Actually I just made the same mistake. Read OP's name.

Uhm are you all stupid? OP included? You said clearly in the post "I jokingly asked" you give a joking question, u get a joking answer. Don't pose a joke to your boyfriend and punish him for joking in return. And besides, even if he wasn't kidding, u said u were. Which was apparently a lie, what you should have said was "today I tried to ask my boyfriend if he was cheating on me by pretending I was kidding. It worked! Now I'm miserable. Fml."

thank god someone wrote this, and good rephrasing too.

mowmowlife 21

She jokingly asked, meaning that she should have gotten an answer only within the realm of humor. This FML is about him not observing the joke and saying something rude by way of indicating he didn't really care about her, which is also a dealbreaker. Her username indicates he meant it seriously and it didn't go over well. It would have been a flop on her part if she got a joking 'yes' and proceeded to break up with him

Doesn't hurt to check once in a while, and there are people who are actually guilty and break down and admit the truth, thinking they have been caught.

doesn't hurt to check? it's not a problem to insinuate that your partner is unfaithful and lying? you need to put in sarcasm tags...

Maybe there was a reason that she was asking, and she only said it jokingly to lighten the mood.

So basicaly he is calling you the preitiest girl in the town. Yeah I can see whats the problem.

When you ask questions like that, you always get an answer that you didn't want to hear!