By ray - 17/11/2011 11:22 - United States

Today, I learned how hard it is to remove peanut butter from your own eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 034
You deserved it 24 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

duckie227 22

That's not where that goes, hate to break it to you

You must really suck at making pb&j sandwiches.


you are retarded . how the h*** do you get peanut butter in your eye fyl for being stupid.

leadman1989 15

Who hasn't had some gooey sticky nut butter in or around their eyes at some point.

ikickgingers 15
mismonroe 0

In your case, more than a time or two it's safe to presume?

leadman1989 15

I'm sure it was my sexiness that threw you off... rubs twenty pack. c;

usmcgalie 0

Why would you put peanut butter in your eye in the first place?

Peanut butter ?! In your eye?! Why was this occurring ?!

kemosabe_fml 0

You got your peanut butter in my eye, you got your eye in my peanut butter

tomtato 10

You learn something new everyday friend!