By ray - 17/11/2011 11:22 - United States

Today, I learned how hard it is to remove peanut butter from your own eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 034
You deserved it 24 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

duckie227 22

That's not where that goes, hate to break it to you

You must really suck at making pb&j sandwiches.


blackman100 20

i don't care what u did or how it happened, u probably deserved it

MsMeiriona 2

Since when is crying difficult?

you know how hard it is to get peanut butter off the top of your mouth? well your saliva has a bit of acidity to it, an acidity that tears do not have (if they did, your eyes would burn out of your skull) so if your saliva has a hard time getting if out then just imagine the difficulty and unbearable pain getting peanut butter out of your MOTHER ******* EYE would be like. we dont know the whole story so i dont know if it was his fault, maybe he failed at spreading peanut butter or someone may have flicked peanut butter at him just to be an asshole but i can say this, after having many things, from tree bark to entire sticks in my eyes over the years, i definitely understand how painful it can be, you have probably lived a pampered life in which there has been no chance of anything ever damaging your "itty bitty eyes". you have no idea how painful an ordinary object is when it is lodged in your eye so you cannot even begin to imagine what peanut butter is like. so unless you have something intelligent to say, shut the **** up.

How does one get peanut butter in their eye?

As opposed to removing it from someone else'a eye??? O.o

suzy123abc 0
blackman100 20

Try a light bulb in your mouth. They say you won't get it out anymore once you have it in.