By pain - 01/11/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that you should never use medical tape to secure gauze over a razor cut on your scrotum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 177
You deserved it 39 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments


weepingangel_fml 7

What about learning not to use a razor on your scrotum? Dumbass.

flockz 19

or the weed whacker. being able to say that you used a weed whacker on your nuts makes you a boss.

KiddNYC1O 20

15- Electric shavers pull the pubes!

Wtf do you want him to use then? A tweezer?

Ins0mau 20

Maybe just don't bother at all. And give a trim if anything.

I'm willing to bet my entire life that DocBastard or any doctor is laughing at your stupidity.

Or maybe not? I'm willing to bet they know more than anyone that medical tape is probly the best tape you can use on your skin for such things as 'securing gauze (sp??) '. If he had used duct tape or electrical then maybe I'd have more sympathy for the fml. Js.

pookberry 4

Razor cuts don't really bleed enough to require gauze secured with medical tape. So either this guy had one hell of a cut or he's just plan stupid :/

Next time you think about shaving your balls, just slip and give yourself a vasectomy so you can't pass on your idiot gene to the next generation. DON'T SHAVE YOUR BALLS. Dumbass.

WaylonD 4

But my girl LOVES my freshly shaven sack! N I LOVE when my girl LOVES my freshly shaven sack!

FYLDeep 25

The source of the problem wasn't the medical tape or the gauss, it was the razor on the scrotum.

FYLDeep 25

Gauze* I think I just got ****** by autocorrect.

This is why you use those trimming scizzors that comes with grooming kits, not a god damn RAZOR.

Everyone knows elbows are covered with leftover scrotum, you could graft some skin from your elbows. Keep that in mind for the future.