By Nanny - 30/04/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. I asked her, "Do you got your bag?" And she said, "No. I have my bag. Babies say got. I'm a big girl." I am 20 years old and in the honors program in my college. I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 205
You deserved it 102 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she has a speech impediment and is 4 doesn't mean she's dumb stop thinking so highly of yourself, ya dick.

thats ur fault u shouldnt speak like a moron


I have a speech impediment and that doesn't mean I am stupid, I just cannot pronounce certain words and combinations of letters, you are such an idiot for thinking a speech impediment affects someone's ability to learn, it's people like you that piss me off. Not to mention that you are also an idiot for saying "Do you got your bag".

cucuto89 0

How in the world is this FML?

It is a FYL because you said "Do you got your bag". If you can't speak properly don't talk to children - I am ecstatic this child knows better than to pick up your terrible habits.

ellis_fml 0

A speech impediment doesn't make you stupid. Please don't speak down to people because of your ignorant assumptions.

So ******* what if the kid has a speech impediment? It has no effect whatsoever on her intelligence or her grammar. Also, no one gives a shit if you're 20 and in honors. Hey, I'm 21 and graduating next month with honors in my major... but THAT ALONE doesn't serve as an intellectual credential. You're a shitbag, this FML is a flop.

Oh wow. So you're going to get defensive and use an ad hominem attack on a 4-year-old because she correctly called you out on your improper grammar? I can't believe an Honors college let you in. It's a good example of the low standards in this country these days.

******* hypocrites..... i bet all of you say got instead of have 90% of the time... its common American speech so stop patronizing this person acting like your shit don't stink.... my 9 year old brother says that every day to me "Do you got your backpack?" he says, "Have...(my name)", but when i type i always say have.

grazynaanka 0

Try speaking proper english and you won't be corrected. Just because she has a speech impediment does not mean she is stupid. She obviously knows basic grammar better than you do. #129, I've rarely heard anyone use got when they are supposed to use have.

You TOTALLY deserved it. Now, stfu and gtfo. kthnxbai.

your college must be a joke. you fail.