By Nanny - 30/04/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. I asked her, "Do you got your bag?" And she said, "No. I have my bag. Babies say got. I'm a big girl." I am 20 years old and in the honors program in my college. I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 205
You deserved it 102 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she has a speech impediment and is 4 doesn't mean she's dumb stop thinking so highly of yourself, ya dick.

thats ur fault u shouldnt speak like a moron


While, unquestionably, I agree that assuming someone with a speech impediment is mentally challenged is an incorrect assumption, I must disagree with the majority of comments here. I agree with #25 and #32. I was not aware that you were immediately judged as an unintelligent person simply because of conversational grammar mistakes. I am very adept at noticing mistakes in written grammar, and make use of this frequently to produce flawless papers in my English course. However, in conversation, I rarely use 100% proper grammar unless in front of an authority figure. To be quite honest, I have probably said "Do you got your bag?" in conversation. Personally, I prefer a little relaxed time, which encompasses not being an overbearing tight-ass in terms of my usage of grammar. Hell, I say "What up?" or "Aight." and, ultimately, do not lose sleep over it or cause others to do so.

Improper grammar is NEVER okay. Why would you teach a child to speak incorrectly?

Evee_fml 0

You're a moron and/or ridiculously disrespectful "do you got"? really? Like that's not even trying hun

rt523 0

wow, people are awfully judgemental. i'm sure no one on here has ever made a grammatical error. i'm pretty sure over half of the comments i read had grammar errors. i have a bit of a speech impediment and i am a total grammar nazi, but i find this pretty funny. and: just because the OP spoke to the child using incorrect grammar doesn't necessarily mean she thought the child was "retarded".

I'm pretty sure the OP did not intend to sound condescending. A lot of people say things like "you got your bag?" or "your bag AIN'T with you" even when they know it's grammatically incorrect. Besides. That little girl must be annoying as hell.

grazynaanka 0

#148 It was because she spoke to the child using improper grammar. It was the fact that she had to toss in the speech impediment. " I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment."

BB_baby 0

haha i enjoyed reading all the people calling the op an ass for thinking the 4 year old with a speech impediment should be stupid when really its the OP...

skierguy 0

You deserve that one for speaking like a retard. Do you go to the University of Buttfuck Nowhere or what?