By Nanny - 30/04/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. I asked her, "Do you got your bag?" And she said, "No. I have my bag. Babies say got. I'm a big girl." I am 20 years old and in the honors program in my college. I was corrected by a 4 year-old with a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 205
You deserved it 102 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because she has a speech impediment and is 4 doesn't mean she's dumb stop thinking so highly of yourself, ya dick.

thats ur fault u shouldnt speak like a moron


I really hate when people go to collage and think they're the smartest people in the world.I mean,look at Einstein.He sucked at school but was smarter than most people.

There's hope for our language yet.

Thats your fault for talking to someone like that just because they have a speech impediment. Are you going to speak to your children in 'bwaby wanguage' too? YDI.

takemeaway10 0

It was supposed to be taken humorously. It's not meant for you elitist twats to seriously sit down analyze. I loved FML before I started reading these comments...

Any college with an "honours" and "non-honours" program is probably a county college. You shouldn't feel bad.

Wildcard 0

DO YOU GOT YOUR BAG????? That doesn't even sound right at all how could you make a mistake like that. ugggh how unattractive.

mollysewalk 0

how the **** are you in any kind of honors program? Hey #164 it's college, not collage haha, so perfect.

TryToBeKind 0

And you got into that program how? Speech issues are not the same as grammar issues. My 8-year-old has speech issues and he has the vocab of an average HS freshman

BADumbass 0

please tell me you're not really in the honors program?! wow. what school do you go to?!... wow...

Lucky19 0

Yay. Another honours student who can't string a sentence together with correct grammar. YDI