By Travolta - 14/08/2011 04:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a party. I tried dancing in public for the first time ever. Judging by the whispers, stares, and giggles, I'm never doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 684
You deserved it 5 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cc_the_beast 6

Eh, **** em, there's no rules to dancing. Go get em!


catnip1997 0

who dances at party's lollollool

It's parties not party's. If you can't spell it you shouldn't be able to do it.

TiaPDX 3

Nooooo... don't ever stop dancing! Either you (or they, the "whisperers") weren't drunk enough. The key is to make sure all inhibition is lost all around. THEN dance... and have an epic time-- with other new, shy, or awkward dancers! Dance should never be criticized, it's an expression of joy... no matter how it "looks"!

sourgirl101 28

African Anteater Ritual? ***sour gummies for those that understand this reference.(:

Drink copious amounts of alcohol then dance. You may still look like a tit but you won't give a shit.

And you are a poet. I am unsure as to whether you know it.

I didn't but I do now. My future posts will all rhyme I make it my vow

Nickname Travolta and can't dance.. I laughed..

sourgirl101 28

I noticed that too. Lol I can't think of any of his movies that he didn't dance in.(:

*Insert song "I can't dance" from Genesis*

"Don't stop believing" that you can dance!