By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 20:15 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized that after passing out with my shoes on last night, my friends decided use a black sharpie and play “connect the dots” with my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 727
You deserved it 19 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what does your shoes have anything to do with it lol and that sucks majorly lol

TheBrianWing 0

Obviously you don't have any asshole friends. When you pass out at a party with your shoes on, it indicates that you were unintentional about losing consciousness and you get messed with. If you are found with shoes off, it indicates you just got bored and went to sleep and need to be left alone.


surferdude15 0

like asher roth sang it in i love college "yeah ive learned some rules like don't pass out with your shoes on"

karmennn 0

ahhh thats horrible >_< jerk friends D:

hahahahaha that sucks. YDI for passing out with ur shoes on obviously none of you guys have been to a decent party if you dont know the dont pass out with the shoes on rule.

Haha #2 I thought the same thing- "What's the relevance of your shoes being on?" LOL Not really sure what the FYL is though, unless people saw your face.

that_guy321 2

the shoes matter cause they most likely were stolen but fyl, sharpie stays on for a while unless you get it off right away.

What does having your shoes on have to do with it????????????????

ST33LE 0

The shoes remark is an 'I love college' reference noobs ;p

no that part of the song is a reference to party rules noob

How many constellations could they make on your face?

Well what kind of shape did they come up with?

mixedcalibaby 0

Rudeness! Lol FYL now get your friends back!