By pizzafaceinc - 02/03/2010 02:24 - United States

Today, I woke up with a headache. My girlfriend said it might be from the night before, explaining she punched me while I was sleeping because I was snoring in her ear, and she dreamed a bee was attacking her. I'm not sure if I'm more concerned that she punched me, or that it didn't wake me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 745
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

haha that's funny. I sleep through almost anything, but I think getting punched in the face might wake me.

x805xUnknown 6

Maybe she punched you so hard you fell into a deeper sleep? Lol.


PedoBearSaysYES 0

snick is on her suger high and didn't have her nap so it's normal and ya that's fyl what if there was a fire or something lol but the fml makes me lol

Snickerdoodles just needs to relax more. As for the OP...not sure what to tell ya. Sucks for you.

joe_uncool 0

to put things in perspective: you were sleeping with your girlfriend, how bad is life really? :) on a more serious note... you definately should have woken up when she hit you. go to the doctor.

Luckysam1984 0

Thats funny and disturbing at the same time. How did you not wake up getting punched hurts and pain usually wakes most people up.

You must have a pretty high voice if your snores sound like a bee.