By myself - 20/09/2012 07:00 - United States - Seaside

Today, my 2-year-old told me he found a new finger puppet. It was a used condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 463
You deserved it 31 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's yours, I think you should be more ashamed of the fact that your condom can fit on a 2 year old's finger. If it's your husbands, then, well. . .

Nabee143 3

Yea I'm going to say YDI for the simple fact you shouldn't leave used condoms just laying around. Disgusting!


That's gross. I hope he wasn't digging around in the trash for that; and if he wasn't, that's even worse that it wasn't thrown away. But at least he doesn't know what it *really* is. Just tell him it's not appropriate to play with.

Finger puppet and not hand puppet?:P Fast! This is the perfect time to take a trip to the toy store. (Not adult toy store. That's later for you)

I can understand how this has happened. It was probably in your bedroom and those trash cans don't tend to be as tall as the ones in the kitchen so the baby can easily pick through it. If you were getting ready for the day and had your child in the room with you it's hard to do two things at once. My mom had that happen to her with my little sister. She had her in her room on her bed watching Dora. She went in the bathroom not 10 feet away from the bed to do her make up. She glances out to check up on her. She managed to get the baby powder off the dresser and have it EVERYWHERE. Kids are crafty and cunning. Little mini ninjas some times. FYL.

Well said....those without kids are always quick to judge...these things can happen...we've seen it many times on FML's. I just smile to myself and say "wait til you have kids..."

thats a nice story. bit lengthy though.. maybe next time trim the fat, you know? more substance less art..

I have kids and still find this repulsive. Im not being "quick to judge". There's a huge difference between spilt powder and a dirty used condom. If you have babies/small children, dispose of that type of rubbish in the trash outside so that this doesn't happen! Imagine it was a dirty used pad that your toddler took to use as a pillow for her dolly. Ugh.

Rynow, I saw the other comment you posted. You're in no position to criticize Chelly, much less advise anyone on the art of FML commenting.

I can't imagine anyone with small children to be able to take something outside to throw it away every time they need to. I've never had kids but I had to help raise my little siblings and me and my mom sometimes had a hard time finding time to shower let alone walk something outside. I do understand what your are trying to say though.

So many people assuming. How do we know the kid didn't find it at the playground or something? People have sex in weird places sometimes. Also, OP could have an older child who is having sex. This isn't necessarily OP's fault.

You are absolutely right. Everyone is saying ydi but you can't always keep a child directly in front of you constantly. They can do anything in the minute you take your eyes off of them.

OceanBlueSea 12

That's a story to tell in 20 years...

ducky45 20

I bet you'll tell him this when he's older and he'll be like oh god why?

So...either you leave used condoms around or you let you toddler go through the trash/pick up rubbish off the floor. Gross and YDU. I know a lot of people are saying you can't watch toddlers 24/7 but they need that if they're walking outside. And if this happened inside, well that's why you leave them in an environment where you know is safe (for example where hazards are either out of height or cannot be accessed like locked bins/cupboards). When I worked at a nursery there were two of us watching a whole class of two-year-olds. I'm sure you can manage watching one.

Whoops, someone deleted their comment...really not my day today...

You may have had more young children to watch, but the situation is a little different. Your only task was caring for them, whereas a parent is not only tasked with caring for their child, but also the daily tasks of life. You were also likely in a completely baby-proof environment, whereas OP's home is a place where people actually live, or they were possibly in a public place where some sicko left a used condom. When I was in middle school I once found a used condom in a park. I knew better than to touch it, but a two year old allowed to play outside by an unsuspecting parent wouldn't.

Any place a baby is going to roam freely should be reasonably baby proofed. Why should a child only be safe at nursery and not at home? It's not like restricting access to a bin is a massive thing to do either - I'm not asking OP to blunt all the pairs of scissors in the house, put them in a box and lock the box in a cupboard. And unfortunately, nurseries do not work that way. What with an increasing number of planning, development, age 2, parental partnership and safeguarding reports to fill in and restricted break time and staff reductions, nursery staff have a LOT of multi tasking to do. Just one other reason being sure the children are in a safe environment is so important.

Also, most people don't let two year olds wander parks on their own...even if they're more liberal at home, any self respecting parent keeps a close eye on a two year old if they're walking outside. You'd hope that keeping them close would merely be a side effect of playing and talking with them as opposed to something you even need to consciously think about doing.

All I'm saying is that you're making a pretty unfair assumption about OP being an irresponsible parent when you have no idea what happened. It takes less than a second for a child to pick something up. If everyone used the same logic you do, then parents should be convicted of child abuse every time they get a bruise.

All I'm saying is that I thought about that a lot before I posted the first time. There were loads of people thumbing down anyone who made such 'assumptions'. But I really don't think this can be justified, not when the child is only two. Picking up a condom is completely different to getting a bruise. A child has to travel towards a condom and bend down before they pick it up. If a child was walking outside I'd be walking behind them but watching where they are going and what is on the floor near them. Even if I wasn't concerned about them picking stuff up I'd still be on the lookout for steps, dog poo and whatever that the child may not even notice. If you're too busy to keep them safe then you could put them in a pram or on one of those awful leashes. It's a lot harder to prevent a child falling and getting a bruise as it happens a lot quicker. Also a bruise is not a terrible thing - it's a part of life, not all that painful for children and something you have to accept if you want your children to be able to explore and grow. A used condom is not. Debate if you want but don't resort to exaggeration and putting words in my mouth.

There can also be no signs that a child will fall whereas obviously if a child is going to pick something up and you're watching them it's possible to see what they're going to pick up before they do so. And to the other person, no-one is forcing you to read it...

Lol! Okay, doodlecloud. You're perfect and every parent should learn from your example. I just hope you remember this conversation when you have a toddler who picks up/ steps in/ gets into something they shouldn't and realize just how silly you're being. There's so little information here you can't even begin to guess how this happened. Maybe someone else was watching him at the time. Maybe the child was napping while OP was making dinner and he woke up without OP knowing. Maybe OP has more than one child and was dealing with a crisis with that kid when this happened. Shit happens to children of even the most cautious parents. That's life.

SApprentice 34
nonnieluv 9

You totally deserve that, you don't leave used condoms laying around. flushing it might be a good idea

No, that could break the toilet. Put it in a bin the kid can't get to and clear out the bin when possible.

Nice debate you have going on here. I would comment on it, but I don't know what you're on about as my eyes blurred over at the start. //dies from text overload

There starting younger and younger these days

GetTheFuckOut 7

Oh my ******* god. That's disgusting.