By Username - 19/05/2011 22:46 - United States

Today, my family went to Seaworld. When we got there, my dad sarcastically told me not to get lost, because I might get mistaken for Shamu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 189
You deserved it 7 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KatrinaKitten 16

You should have yanked him in the water and drowned him; Show him Shamu!

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1



wow that's harsh :/ kick your dad in the balls & walk off !

perdix 29

Is it because you are half black and half white? You should have told your dad it's his fault for not marrying within his own race.

YDI for being fat. Is it really that hard to stay fit and eat healthy..

ILoveYourDespair 0

Depends on the person. Some people have no restraint.

ReynshineCutting 10

It's not just "eat healthy and work out" for all people. That doesn't work on everyone you know...

bigbisawesome 0

ur an asshole that is all

chillamastr92 0

In most of the US, it actually is, because of money. It's 2-3 dollars cheaper to buy a two liter bottle of soda than it is to buy a 6" diameter watermelon.

lol the gay kid called me an asshole. I rofled

EllieLovesYou 0

I bet you feel shitty now huh? :| Dick >.

OP it wasn't a comment about your horrific weight. It was your raw fish odor that caused him to compare you to a sea creature.

I'd be willing to bet that you people saying stuff like just lose the weight and calling OP fat ass have never had to lose weight. You should educate yourselves before making ignorant comments like that. You don't know the reason OP is overweight so remember what your mama used to say if you can't anything nice keep your ******* mouth shut.

ignorant my ass.. I work out every day. I maintain a fit body. I know damn well how to stay fit and not a fatass

FreebirdIII 1

You tell them Red. While your at it, tell OP's dad. I don't think he got the memo.

your comment was and is ignorant (narrow minded and myopic). kudos to you though for exercising everyday to keep fit. make sure you do it for the rest of your life though cos the minute you take a break you gonna end up looking like Shamu too.

#62 I have a cousin whose got some hormonal imbalance that makes him put on weight. he watches his food intake and exercises everyday but doesn't help. he's medicated now to regulate his hormones and metabolism. so I understand where u are coming from.

ReynshineCutting 10

You also have a normal metabolism. Not everybody does. Some people have other stuff going on that make it so they can't maintain a healthy weight. Asshole.

FreebirdIII 1

I bet you didn't get lost.