By Andrew - 31/10/2011 04:04 - United States

Today, my fiancé and I got married. We both promised to remain abstinent until our wedding day. She's on her period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 886
You deserved it 9 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leadman1989 15

Part the red sea, it's not the end of the world buddy!

saIty 17

Just wait it out, so when you guys do finally have that moment, you guys will go more hard. Also, it'll feel a lot better.


If the red river's a flowin, take the dirt road home

2tone2bone 3

Yes you are most definitely gf material. Lol but it's there first time remember that.

ImafukNskittleYO 4

how is this an FYL? FHL. She had to get MARRIED on her period. YOU just had to stand there. YDI for being selfish.

Seriously be a man. It'll be better for her anyway cause of all the hormones. A little messy but damn it's your wedding day

what is wrong with all you people? every girl knows that you take something called the pill leading.up to your wedding day, to make sure that this doesn't happen. I'm a chick so I have every right to say it. mate, you definitely married a genius.

Assuming they're abstaining for religious reasons, it is likely that they would be against the pill and other contraceptives as well

joa76 3

Even if she doesn't have religious reasons for being against the pill, some women just plain won't take them. Some have tried and it really messed with their system and so they decide to not bother with it again (and yes, they probably should just try other kinds, but it's their choice). Others are just uncomfortable with the idea of taking hormones every day. Or it's possible that she's younger and moving out of her parents' house and wouldn't have been allowed to take it (or was afraid to ask). (And before you say she wouldn't have to tell them, she would if their insurance was the only way she could pay for it.)

AcidRaen 4

Um what if they wanted to have kids later on. Taking the pill can really mess up your hormones and lessen your chances of conceiving. They can use a condom or have sex in the shower or lay down a towel

steezus 3

at least she not missing her period..

kurlyfries222 0

Have you not heard of the lets you skip periods! No way fiancé having her period on our wedding night! Waited to long for this haha! Congrats on getting married but!!!