By Sabraynay - 28/09/2011 06:47

Today, my mom instructed me to never scream when being attacked by a rapist. Apparently it would only anger him, causing him to chop my boobs off and superglue my eyes shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 034
You deserved it 3 300

Same thing different taste


Bossman11 6

If that's your real number you're an idiot

lulzmylife 4

Uh, I'm not sure if this really belongs in the "intimacy" category. I can't think of anything less intimate than rape. But needless to say, your mom is dead wrong. If you're ever attacked, fight like hell. Scream for help, scream "FIRE!", scream obscenities, kick, punch, knee him in the balls, gouge his eyeball out, do whatever it takes. The policeman who visited the self-defense class I took in college taught those of us with long fingernails to use them to gouge and twist, which can also be particularly effective on sensitive areas.

Yeah, from my perspective I would have put it in the 'Work' category.

:) My dad told me to always carry a sharpened pencil with me so I can stab anyone who comes near me. Most girls get rape alarms or in extreme cases maybe a pen knife. I get a pencil... and some self defence lessons. xD

merryhappy1887 20

i think she's over reacting, but i carry a small knife & i've been told that you should yell "FIRE!", because you're more likely to get help then if you just scream.

Note to self: do NOT forget to superglue the eyes shut after you cut their boobs off

thejedi08 10

ok... i think she is telling you something but idk quite what it could be yet....

(Insert Witty Comment Here) Uhhh... I got nothin.

kiakia0131 23

Sorry, someone beat you to the "I got nothing" comment . They won.

What about if he's go a huge knife, and you are alone in your room and house.... Not sure you will be screaming, not sure you will be hitting......

Of course you'll still fight back if you're isolated in your house. Most people assume that when you scream, it's so people can come to help you. It's not. It's mainly to unnerve the offender, and trigger his or her fear of being caught. This is ESPECIALLY true when the rapist has a knife, as they're already ruled by fear and inadequacy (they feel they can't overpower you without it). Granted, it would be a foolish move to fight when you have a knife to your throat, but if you play by the rapist's script (you being helpless) for long enough that he lets his guard (and the knife) down, THEN it's time to scare the shit out of him and fight tooth and nail.

Never scream, and struggle or try to escape either. u want to make the abduction as easy as possible for the rapist.