By godhatesme - 10/12/2011 08:45 - United States

Today, while pulling into my driveway, I slightly bumped into something. My wife. I'll be sleeping on the couch for a while. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 20 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some guys actually enjoy sleeping on the couch. It's kinda like camping.....


mrz1177 11

Well, you tried..... Back to the drawing board

Welll on the bright side....sleeping on the couch will give you more time with Left Hand Sam or Right Hand Jack ;D

marpay 11

I prefer Palmala Handerson and Handjalina Jolie.

Well, hey, we all have different preferences I guess! ;D

I love how his name is gdhatesme well, it might be true

I guess it's a bad time to say "I'll have what she's having"

I wouldn't let her drive for a while. :/

thatKidzmOm 10

But she might try for revenge...


She prob deserved it esp if you going to be sleeping on the couch.. hope you dident dent your car

Wtf? You accidentally bump her with the car somehow and she's able to make you sleep on the couch? If my partner was that pathetic I'd make them sleep on the couch too...

i agree 24 what kind of a bitch would do that over an accident

boredblonde 17
maninthebox11 8

It could have been like the beginning to the Simpsons.. Where he gets whacked by the car and flies through the door.. you never know.. Sometimes the fat people are still hard to miss !