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By dypshyyt - 22/07/2014 23:20 - United States

Today, I went to my weekly AA meeting. It was a huge crowd and I was the guest speaker. Not 5 minutes into my speech, I was booed off stage and banned from further attendance because I accidentally wore a Jack Daniel's shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 108
You deserved it 56 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd mention getting rid of memorabilia.

I'm not sure why you kept this in the first place.


The pressure of first comment got to ya didn't it

Not so much of a bad pun from you this time as it was disappointment.

wait for a AA community they sure are harsh abd judgemental geez.

You'd think they'd mention getting rid of memorabilia.

They probably did but op is just a flat out bone-head

maybe he didn't want to get rid of a perfectly good shirt though.

askullnamedbilly 33

This is not a dating site, #17. If you really can't help flirting, at least send a private message instead of posting a completely unrelated comment.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Wrong place for that #17. This isn't Tinder.

@33 - Your grammar is astounding. Coffee later? ;)

Saying she has beautiful eyes isn't exactly flirting, ya'know. Jeez. People can't give a simple compliment without getting accused of trying to start a relationship.

Sounded like flirting I think - as it was without preamble.

I'm not sure why you kept this in the first place.

To be fair, OP may not be an alcoholic. I've spoken at my dad's AA meetings and I'm not an in AA. It's still a terrible, and completely disrespectful, shirt choice, though.

This OP's weekly meeting and they were the speaker for that week. OP is in recovery and is an alcoholic. If they were attending in support of someone they would be there to speak for that weeks meeting and they wouldn't say "my weekly AA meeting". Also you shouldn't be going to AA. Unless you're there for help and support in recovery. Only on the occasion that the alcoholic is celebrating a milestone should anyone come as support for the alcoholic. There are other groups for the family to attend.

Yeah, bad reading comprehension on my part. Totally missed the possessive pronoun there. Oops. And I've only spoken and attended on anniversaries.

There is also al-anon groups for families :) i don't know what country you live in but in the UK there is the National Association for the Children of Alcoholics, Alateen and Children of Addicted Parents and People

Jack Daniels shirts are awesome. I would keep it.

Then you really don't understand addiction.

That sucks op, next time watch what you wear!

According to this FML there won't be a next time

Next time as in check what you're wearing and if it appropriate for the event. Not just his AA meeting.

You'll be remembered for thst mistake by your coworkers.

ninjuh_wingman 29

They're not co-workers. They're other members of his AA meeting.

Lasagnaa 24

I would think it's common sense not to wear a Jack Daniel's shirt to an AA meeting. YDI

cryssycakesx3 22

it most certainly is common sense, which OP blatantly lacks.

Not everyone has common sense, obviously shown by this FML

How does one 'accidentally' wear a shirt?

you wouldn't understand, guys don't necessarily plan their outfits out.

But seriously it's a freaking Jack Daniels shirt. How do you let it slip from your mind that it would be an inappropriate wardrobe choice when going to speak at an AA meeting.

Respect101 17

It's really easy to just accidentally wear a Shirt, maybe he thought it was a different shirt.

#15: Maybe not, but as you get older you start learning about what's appropriate and what's not.

ChristianH39 30

He probably had it from before he started AA

Maybe he was in a rush and put on the first shirt that didn't look dirty or wrinkly, without actually paying attention to what was on it. I understand how he could do it but he still deserves this. If you're going to be hosting a meeting you should at least take 5 seconds to look in the mirror and make sure that what you're wearing is really ok.

I had something similar happen when I went to a ball game. I was wearing my college hoodie at a competing college's home game, and I was glared at the entire time. They weren't even playing my college that night, and I still got the stink eye! It was the only long-sleeved top I had at the time; give me a break! But there's no excuse for wearing an alcohol-related shirt to an AA meeting here.

Epikouros 31

Even if it was the local bartenders' association, wearing a T-shirt when addressing a meeting would be disrespectful.