The Top

Amathiel tells us more.

Additional info from OP here: Yes, I have a BF who has commented on it, but with humor. He's nicknamed them Bert and Ernie because of the size difference now. Yes, I know it's a common thing, but it still isn't cool to walk around with half a boob on one side ;)

PoeticPathetic tells us more.

I'm the OP Where I live a lot of my peers went to uni and ended up with jobs that pay even less than mine. Tradies get the big dollars in my state

AwkwardPartyBear tells us more.

I feel that I should have explained a bit further about the trip. A group and I went for charity causes (sort of like a Meals on Wheels world tour donation- just with a group). We could have shipped goods, but as someone said in the group, "it took out the adventure in the purpose". Although, we didn't explore as much as we meant to.. and instead donated/volunteered in different charity events throughout the year in different cities/countries. I'm happy among the fact that we helped the cause, but it was not much of a world-adventure as some FML commenters picture it. But I did buy a shitload of Twinkies and embarrassed myself hugging the boxes while crying rivers in the middle of the gas station.

bannedpianoman tells us more.

bannedpianoman 0

Most of you are saying this sounds fishy, and I tried to write this part in the FML, but I didn't have room with the 300 character limit... Since I was a senior for only 9 weeks (half of a semester) this year, they refused give me a new school ID. I tried using my ID from Junior year, since I figured 2009-2010 would work, but they said that that ID was invalid starting the first day of this year. They said that my only other option would be a driver's license. Same situation, more details...