By Anonymous - 15/07/2015 15:40 - Canada - Port-menier

Today, I found out my mom recently stopped taking her medication. I came home to find she'd shot my dog because she thought he was possessed by the devil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 786
You deserved it 2 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juststephhere 23

Your mom needs some serious help, like I can't even believe that happened. That poor dog... Maybe get her to a doctor before something like this happens again...

This is one of my most horrifying things I've ever read. I'm so sorry.


juststephhere 23

Your mom needs some serious help, like I can't even believe that happened. That poor dog... Maybe get her to a doctor before something like this happens again...

Get her a doctor? More like get her committed. Holy ****.

JMichael 25

before she shoots OP for conspiring against her

Yeah, she should get help immediately. Next time it could be Op or a neighbor, or just anybody op's mom thinks is possessed. And maybe not leave weapons at the mom's disposal.

I agree with 15. She needs to be committed. I mean honestly, if she's to the point that she's delusional enough to shoot a dog, who's to say she wouldn't do it to a person. For her own safety, it would be best to put her in a place where there could be 24/7 supervision.

Especially if she has access to firearms in Canada.

Firstly, you should lock up your weapons including knives. Then get her immediate medical attention. Hire a cleaning company as well so you won't have to go through the anguish of cleaning it up... Sorry OP.

Definitely, she does not need to have access to a gun.

This is one of my most horrifying things I've ever read. I'm so sorry.

BlockOfRedStone 25

I broke into tears from reading this... I just can't imagine that horrible image of one of my dogs, or any dog for that matter, being ******* SHOT to death... I can only hope that the poor dog didn't die slowly in pain...

XBurytheCastleX 25

I would probably go for paranoid or demonic schizophrenia

OP's mother is most likely has paranoia schizophrenia :/

Zwerik 31

Scooby Dooby Doo, I shot you...

Lmfao! I laughed just a little too hard at this.

Nonexistentguy 7

I laughed even though I shouldn't have

Zwerik 31

I already felt guilty writing it, but I couldn't delete it any more afterwards. :x

aria78 19

he's not that guy, he's nonexistent.

negetive votes? come on people, it's a joke not a dick, so don't take it so hard.

Before you follow this up, get her help. like now!

This should be reported to the police not

Yeah this is contacting the police/mental hospital time. it's only a matter of time before she kills someone.

perhaps op already has but still felt they needed to vent and get this off their system.

I think her doctor would be most appropriate. Police don't exactly have the best record when it comes to dealing with people with mental disabilities.

I'm going to guess your dog didn't make it, my sincerest condolences.

rhcpgurl 18

This isnt even funny you need to call the police your mom needs help. I'm so sorry about the dog and I hope she gets help before she shoots a person.