My house, my rules

By Bondi414 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad made a new house rule: "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down." My whole house now smells like piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 693
You deserved it 2 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In this land of sun and fun, we do not flush for number one.

That awkward moment now that everytime you flush everyone knows you were pooing ......


...In my house we tend to stick to flushing after every two people, it's half as much water and it's not a day's worth of one family's accumulated piss...eugh.

jennyvieve 8

I thought that was the rule in everyone's house? No wonder my friends never invite me over anymore...

you could just shut the toilet when you're done peeing. we do that too and no piss smell over here.

lebronesque73091 12

I'd hate to be the one that has to poop...

lksdliz 9

There are dual-flush toilets now, so they just use a bit of water when it's just, uh, fluids. If you can't find one where you are, pop over to California, we have EVERYTHING to do with saving water...

That's disgusting...and anyone saying to just put the seat down is also gross, because that doesn't help. If anything, it makes it worse because it allows germs to remain in the toilet for extended periods of time, plus whoever opens the lid to use the toilet next will be greeted with that horrible sight and trapped smell that will then rise up from the toilet and encompass the entire bathroom. OP, your dad is an idiot and I say flush the toilet either way. What's he gonna do about it? What's the point of not flushing, anyway? Did he say to also not wash your hands after you used the bathroom? God people are gross these days...

God forbid you save water and have to bear with a bit of piss go to a third world country and the complane you friggin moron