My house, my rules

By Bondi414 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad made a new house rule: "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down." My whole house now smells like piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 693
You deserved it 2 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In this land of sun and fun, we do not flush for number one.

That awkward moment now that everytime you flush everyone knows you were pooing ......


we do that but dont keep pee in there all day. prolly flush every 2-3 times unless we have company over

So act like you have poop'd and flush anyway.

withyou_fml 1

Ehh. He didn't make that up. That came from the show "The Game" everyone knows that

Mr25_fml 14

I'd question his hygiene that's one of his rules

I would also like to point out that women wipe after peeing. If women put the used TP in the toilet, not flushing will, over time, force enough TP to accrue that the toilet will clog when it is finally flushed, particularly since a deuce and more TP is now in the pot. If the women put the used TP in the waste basket, well that is REALLY disgusting, especially if a woman has her period. To keep it hygenic, you'd have to have little bags in the bathroom for the women to put their used TP in. The cost of the bags is probably about even with the cost of just flushing the darned toilet. This was what we had to do in my house and it was just horrible to live with. I was not allowed to leave my TP bag in the bathroom or take it to my room for private disposal at a later date. I had to walk through the house with my bag of used TP so I could throw it in the trash. Imagine parading through your own home with your used TP bag while your brother had a bunch of friends over. It was less humilating to go to the basement, squat over the cat's litter box and pee there. I lived in a house with multiple toilets and was actually peeing in the cat box, which is ridiculous. Toilets are much more eco-friendly now then they were when I was in high school and this was forced on me by my cheapo father. Please, can't we all just flush after ourselves?

loveispain19 4

it sounds gross yeah but when you have a place of your own and have to pay the bills you'll understand.

OMG that's so weird, my dad just told me that last night! I think they're working together.

That's disgusting. If it's money that's the issue, I'm pretty sure there are more pleasant ways of saving money than leaving piss in the toilet to stink up the house. Ew.

Kcloudnine 0

I feel sorry for you my parent did that rule And still sometimes follows it. It's ****** nasty 7.7 I feel bad for you