By Anonymous - 22/08/2011 19:35 - United States

Today, a hooker refused my custom. According to her, "Even whores have standards." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 619
You deserved it 46 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her some more money then. Bitches love money.

The way this FML is written it's so formal can you imagine how he would go up to her! "Excuse me miss, I would like to purchase your services in sexual pleasure."


OP, maybe you should stop messing with ****** and start off with crackwhores. Then work your way up.

bawlerr75 9

Like that's wayy better ....... Lol

You deserve it because you don't have standards for yoursself

A ***** that has standards? Wow, that's ironic.

muchagente 5

probably higher standards than me and the lot of us, who even sell their brain cells and thoughts, instead of just the body

Well that's silly and backward, don't you think? If you have to pay someone in order to sleep with them, they must either have higher standards or are much better than the rest of us. People only sleep with me for free. :(

leadman1989 15

Find Ke$ha. She has no standards.

Ins0mau 20

No. She kicks them to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger. And we all know he's hot, right?

leadman1989 15

All you need is a Mick Jagger mask. Some used toilet paper, dried pine needles, and the scent of grave yard soil and BOOM you're Mick Jagger. :p

Try a hand full of lube next time.

leadman1989 15

Moving up in the world aren't we?