By Anonymous - 26/02/2011 20:19 - United States

Today, I found out why my cell phone has been going missing every night for the last few months. My sister has been "borrowing" it so she can hold it against her crotch and repeatedly push the vibrate button. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 504
You deserved it 5 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's extremely disgusting. Looks like it's time to buy a new phone.

confuseeeee 0
ninjanate 0

you should hook me up with her. only five year difference.

Harry Potter Vibrating Broomstick makes a great gift. That is all.

creedaddict 9

ok put a vibrator where ur phone is cum on help ur sister out lol

Diplomatz 0

I bet you sniffed it afterwards.