By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.


Haha fail much? Next time get it from someone who DOESN'T do drugs hun :P

macgyver2009 4

Freaking cry baby don't do drugs and you won't have a problem then.

I sincerely feel like smacking some sense into you.

chels1994 11

I'd love to know how you don't deserve this

mintcar 9

So you got your money taken away and still got in trouble. Yep, sounds like YDI. Stay drug free and you won't have a problem.

I don't even know what to say to this. Drugs are bad. Alcohol good?

Lol, and you came on here expecting sympathy? I don't even know why some people voted FYL for this FML. You totally deserve it. Drugs are bad for you, idiot.