By art_major - 25/05/2011 14:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad came to my graduate art show wearing a t-shirt saying "My other daughter is a science major". He'd had it specially made. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 861
You deserved it 7 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get one that says "My other dad is less of an asshole". and wear it everywhere with him.

dudeitsdanny 9

Art is very hit or miss. She COULD be rich and famous.. Or she could end up working in retail or fastfood to make ends meet. Science almost always guarantees you a job.


Well somebody has to bring the optimism to such a pessimistic site.

imacreeper 3

OP should walk around wearing a shirt saying "My other dad isnt a ********" this would be a great time for you to tell him he's not your real father anyway :)

Make one for him that says "I never finished high school"

YummiGummi 0

hahahahahahahhahaha oh that sucks lool

nippe_fml 0

I'm about to be a science major, but my second choice would be something with art, because I love both. Your dad is a jerk! fyl

clemcool_fml 0

it was kind of a douchey joke for him to make, but hey, he came, right? my dad has yet to attend one of my gallery openings.

I beg to differ that. I'm a forensic science soon to be graduate in the UK and have close to 0 prospects...

Art major... good luck with that. In the mean time a couple of phrases you might need, Welcome to Walmart and Would you like fries with that?

RKD 23

Your dad is a major douche, don't worry, you might make it big in art or you can be a teacher-you will do well, don't worry you did the right thing following your passion!