By Noname - 12/03/2009 11:24 - New Zealand

Today, my mom told my boyfriend all about how she had to be a parent volunteer when I was in kindergarten. Apparently I used to masturbate in class by rubbing myself against the edges of chairs and tables. The teacher thought it would be best if my mom was there to make me stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 268
You deserved it 18 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Parents tell embarrassing stories... it happens. I'm sure he's not going to freak out or anything. Maybe he'll think its funny and like you even more because you're obviously a highly sexual individual. =)

That is ******* hilarious... in a pedobear kinda way...


omgfuckmylife 0
youknowit919 0

there was this girl i went to highschool with and apparently when she was in 8th grade (she went to the other jr high) she used a book to ********** in class. she had no excuse of being a little kid not know what was going on though.

wow, I had no clue little girls did that, how would that even feel good. I know little boys do, there hands are always in their pants. Eduacation FML, lmao

youknowit919 0

#51. there is a differnence between masturbating and vomiting. masturbating is pleasurable while vomitting isn't for the most part. maybe you shouldnt ********** in public but its not really a problem that needs to be dealt with.

elianne 0

Hahahaha.... I did the same thing... My brother was a year older than me so my teacher had to go get him to get me to stop.

Scented 0

haha, didn't we all use to do that? I did that as a way to hold back my pee, you know. Little kids find it embarassing to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom.

Am I the only one who DIDN'T ********** as a child? I know it's normal, and I'm not one of those people who goes mental at the mention of it, but I plainly and simply didn't do it. I never even thought of it till I heard a sex show on the radio when I was about 15, and their discussion of it made me curious. but prior to that, it just never crossed my mind. O_o

lol, I'm pretty sure a LOT of people have done that.

hahaha i sure have, started in kindergarten myself! heck, i did it on any surface with an edge. still do it, occasionally.