By Noname - 12/03/2009 11:24 - New Zealand

Today, my mom told my boyfriend all about how she had to be a parent volunteer when I was in kindergarten. Apparently I used to masturbate in class by rubbing myself against the edges of chairs and tables. The teacher thought it would be best if my mom was there to make me stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 268
You deserved it 18 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Parents tell embarrassing stories... it happens. I'm sure he's not going to freak out or anything. Maybe he'll think its funny and like you even more because you're obviously a highly sexual individual. =)

That is ******* hilarious... in a pedobear kinda way...


awww. When I was a little girl I used to do that all the time! And I didn't even know what I was doing. :( I know how you feel! I'm just glad my parents don't bring it up. o.O

That actually happens a LOT. I worked in a daycare for awhile, and at any given naptime, 1/4 of the kids (ages 2-5) would use a pillow/blanket/mat/hand to rub themselves. There's something about that age where you figure out that area is really fun to play with but have no idea you shouldn't do it in public.

awefjio 0

#10=moron. at first i thought it was a joke comment, but then realized he was being an idoit

electromagnetic 0

my fourth grade classmate was caught by another classmate doing this in the back of the class. she was tagged "jack-off jody" she didn't shake that nickname, even in high school, by those that knew of her. what a way to be remembered.


lmao.... thanks for posting this... I'm pretty sure your b/f masturbated too, when he was a little boy (as all boys do), so there's nothing wrong with that or to be embarrassed about!!! ;-)) lmfao #61 :)))))))

I mean, if my mom did that to me, I'd probabally quit talking to her...

well comment #10 is a complete idiot. and, okay.. i used to do that when i was little, but not in school...

I used to do that too-haha!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is retarded, I never got caught thank god-sucks to be you

Moms have the unique ability to tell the most embarrassing stories to the people they should know them the least! ; )