By poo4brains - 28/04/2012 04:42 - New Zealand - Christchurch

By poo4brains - 28/04/2012 04:42 - New Zealand - Christchurch
By EffinAhole - 03/10/2010 04:27 - France
By Anonymous - 10/07/2021 06:01
By Anonymous - 02/02/2025 13:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/11/2014 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/08/2019 22:00
By ThisBlows - 21/09/2011 17:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/12/2022 00:00
By Big Baby - 28/01/2017 00:00
By Husband - 13/03/2017 18:00
By chewybarseventy - 24/08/2010 06:17 - United States
Depends.. Was there sweet and sour sauce involved?
'How can I wake him up in a way that involves his penis?...Oh perfect!' lol yes what a pleasant wife he has.
9) She was clearly just in need of sweet and sour sauce and took matters into her own hands. What, too soon? (:
I approve.
I was thinking she's less sweet and more sour.
Or she is simply a Sour Patch Kid.
Cool , cooking lessons :D
No that girl would be his mom
With her mouth? Giggity
Sounds like you picked a keeper.
Maybe if she kissed it better! Or tho, in this situation I don't think that would have helped :|
Atleast she's still interested in his man hood
That's when you reach over and do it to her boobs.
Or as I like to call it OP, a handjob gone bad.
Am I the only one who thought it was strange for OP to have an erection while sleeping? I mean, yes, wet dreams, but if OP has a wife he's probably past his pubescent years. Sorry, I'm a girl. I don't know about this stuff.
119 you were closer on the first one my penis now looks like a snake thats been ran iver multiple times by a gan of rednecks in their truck
@221 There's this phenomenon called "morning wood". Most men experience it. Something to do with a full bladder in the mornings. I would look it up.
Your retarded. You would just take it. Ya huge pussy.
Stfu bitch
What's a Chinese burn? :s
Something no man needs to experience.
3) A Chinese burn (also referred to as an Indian burn or other burn related name depending on the locale) is the act of placing one's hands on a piece of someone's anatomy and twisting in opposite directions while applying pressure. It's usually done on the wrist of the aforementioned unlucky victim.
Ha, we call that a snake bite over here. And that sounds painful btw, on your wang.
Thousand eels in Sweden HA
Camel bite in Australia :p
Isn't it supposed to be thousand needles in Swedish? Tusen nålar. That makes more sense to me...
47 and 66: it is thousand needles. Thousand eels makes no sense.
I'm Australian and I call it a Chinese burn!
I'm in Florida we call it Indian burn
I'm in Ohio and we call it Pain.
In Cali its Indian Burn. At least in San Diego, anyway.
I'm Australian and I've always called it a Chinese burn. :)
Leave it to the Americans to start talking about what each individual state calls it.
I'm Chinese ,but I don't know what it is.
leave it to a foreigner to make a stereotypical statement about americans
Yeah ofc it's thousand needles, don't know what's up with my head today
In my primary school in London we used to call it "Indian Burn" when you twist opposite ways and "Chinese Burn" when you twist both hands in the same direction. Yeah...we like to overcomplicate shit in England.
In Washington, we call it Chinese burn.
121 - Yeah, because Americans never make stereotypical comments about other countries, right? Anyway, I'm gonna go ride my polar bear to the Tim Horton's drive through to get some maple syrup to decorate my igloo :)
I love your pic!!
134: I see the irony in my comment escaped you. I was making a stereotypical statement about foreigners making stereotypical statements about americans. it's a vicious cycle really
I know, I just felt like making an igloo joke. Leave it to an American to think foreigners are ******* idi- Wait! This is what got me into this mess in the first place!
In Colorado we call it an Indian burn haha
114 - what, did you want to leave it to the British to name what its called iin each different state?
In Ottawa it's an Indian SUNburn :)
I'm in Manitoba and no one calls it the same thing.
Indian rug-burn in South Jersey
Snake bite in nyc
Yes it is.
I live in the Coachella Valley (SoCal) we also call it Indian XD
I'm french and I'm pretty sure we call it snake bite.
Tusen nålar
In the netherlands, we call it barbed wire :)
We call it a snake bite in Minnesota!
@146: I'm from Belgium.
51 - a camel bite is a slap with a curled hand, usually on the leg in Spring when the shorts come out. As two other Aussies have said in Oz we call it a Chinese Burn. Get your school yard abuse terms correct please!
198 - I give several flying *****, thank you very much.
Indian burn in IL
51, A camel bite is when you cup your hand and slap someone on the arm or leg.
It's called a snake bite in Canada. dx
134-Ahaha ftw!
Here in western Canada, I always heard it called a "snake bite", but sometimes "Indian burn" alternatively (with thanks to Bart Simpson).
In Australia (easy coast anyway) its called A Chinese burn.
I call it a snakebite too, i'm Canadian
Shit just got real son
Polarbear's Asshole in Canada
Thanks for clarifying. I've always known it as an Indian burn (in MT). I wonder who came up with the names for these things anyway?
Indian burn in Missouri
Chinese burn in England :)
Wth? I live in Ottawa and I've never called it that before in my life
I'm Chinese and I have no idea what a Chinese burn is until now.. :/
Ludes, you're an idiot. They aren't "American Indians" they are called Native Americans, Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought they were Indians.
I'm in Norway, and er call it "What the hell?!"
In wisconsin its always been called a snake bite!
In Canada it's called a snake bite
LOL! I started this:) 100- I wasn't talking to you. 121- I'm not a foreigner. Just so you know. 149- No 190- Let it be told.
We call em ndn(indian) burns over here
I call it a divorce
I'm american and even I hate stereotypes but gotta admit that was funny :) btw that stereotype that all Americans are fat- not true at all although there are a lot of em here
You're a bitch. Not all of us are Americans. And not all Americans are like that. So shut up.
Way to make fun of Canada... **** u
In Minnesota we call it an Indian burn
231 has some issues as my cuzin wouldve said what's you issue!!!?!?! Not problem but issue:)
In france we call that la brûlure indienne :)
We call it that in Colorado too haha
haha in NY we call it a bracelet , " You want a bracelet ?" "Sure why not--AAAAAAAAAAH OWWWWEEEE
Snake bites are slightly different than Chinese burns
I call it an Indian burn.
I'm an Indian n we call it "red hands" here o.O
Snake bite - in canada ?
in Soviet Russia, you burn Chinese
It's an FML it's not supposed to have a happy ending
a happy ending ina massage is when after it happens the name is given a full release
What makes her think that that's a good idea?!?
Maybe she just sucks at giving hand jobs....
Oh you poor soul..
I hope I punch u in the face! Do u actually want to punch women?!
I'm sure that the punch to a face is nothing compared to a Chinese burn on the penis
Domestic violence much?????
And I hope YOU rot in hell for promoting domestic violence. Yes the Chinese burn sounds bad but, common dude really?
101- I find it very, very ironic that you're telling someone to rot in hell (which, if you ask around, is a pretty violent statement) for suggesting violence on someone else. Take the plank out of your eye before you complain about the splinter in someone elses.
There would have to be a long, philosophical debate about that, and throw some psychologists in there too. There's no direct answer.
Is it just me, or does that count as a handjob? At least your little guy will be a glowing red colour.
If hand job : Chinese burn, then ******** : (insert your sick ideas here)
********: bite the penis.
#31 - For the love of god, do not bite the penis! Your boyfriend or lover or husband will never forgive you!
It was my 'sick idea' for the answer to the verbal reasoning question. I know not to bite the penis.
I would hope......
I don't even have a penis, and it's hurting in sympathy!
I'm in Ohio and we call it Pain.
3) A Chinese burn (also referred to as an Indian burn or other burn related name depending on the locale) is the act of placing one's hands on a piece of someone's anatomy and twisting in opposite directions while applying pressure. It's usually done on the wrist of the aforementioned unlucky victim.