By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 00:10 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend proposed. I fainted due to the excitement. He took it as a "no" and won't pick up my calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 484
You deserved it 4 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha that must have been awkward for him when he was holding out the ring and you were lying on the floor..

Try going to his house and explaining to him? Hope you two work it out!


You fainted n he took it as a no?! How stupid can he get?!

What kind of retard takes that as a no? Omfg.

Why didn't you answer him when you came to, unless he left you there past out?

Not sure I'd want to marry someone if they over react that much. You fainted and he took it as a 'no'? Now he's acting like a child and giving you the silent treatment?I'd feel a little inclined to actually say No.

Cant you leave a freakin message, text him, send an email to explain??? Come on, either you are just unable to communicate properly or live in the 90s

Hey **** you, I spend 6 years in the 90's. Awesome decade.

He might not be willing to read any text message or e-mail he knows is from her.

RomoniReed 6

then go to his front door and tell him!

Maybe you should rethink this status after all. I'm sure nobody has ever referred to him as "The Brain."