By Anonymous - 16/08/2015 15:49

Today, my girlfriend told me she wants to have sex with my ass. I'm not sure she's taking "no" for an answer, seeing as how she's keeping a dildo on her nightstand and is clearly waiting for me to fall asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 964
You deserved it 3 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you by chance the same guy that 'accidentally' slipped into the wrong hole yesterday?

Steve95401 49

Make sure to sleep on your back or on your side facing her. Also, be careful about bending over in the shower to pick up your soap off the floor.


Just so you know OP, you've already denied consent and if she does try anything with the ***** when you are asleep it can be considered sexual assault or rape depending on how far she gets. Honestly, if she's making you uncomfortable because you don't want to do something you should rethink your relationship with her. No one deserves to feel fear because they don't know what their partner will do to them when they fall asleep.

Did you use HER ass lately? Anyway, constantly whine about diarrhea, that might stop her for getting too close to your ass.

All the jokes on here insane if that was a dude waiting for his girl to sleep before inserting anything into her people would be screaming rape for miles but cos it the other way round it's funny...

There was another FML a few days ago posted by a girl whose boyfriend "accidentally" went in the wrong hole and then kept going to the point of injuring her, and people were making jokes about that too.

And it was equally messed up. To be fair though - I didn't see anybody comment stuff like "you probably deserved it for something you did". May have something to do with the fact that the post in question was made a couple of days before this one. Still....the comments on both....smh

if you said no then it would be rape and if she doesn't respect that kick her to the curb. id say the ***** goes or i go

Jord_Fox 14

The FML just before this one makes this even more funny

EdenZombies 9

Hey, you better not be full of shit.

Someone waiting until their partner is asleep to shove a ***** up their ass after they've said no? Doesn't sound hilarious to me... sounds like rape.